Software Used
Illustration Rigs I
This is a collection of 2D Illustration and Rigging exercises that I created using homemade Illustrator Vector Graphics as well as the Duik Angela and Joysticks n' Sliders plugins for After Effects.
Animation | Illustration | Rigging
More project work...
Physio-Control's "Lifepak 15" Defibrillator
Prop Art | Real-time Visualization
"How Learning Works"
Kids Discover Online
Animation | Video Editing
Procedural Xbox Controller Material
Material Art
"The Moon In Motion"
Kids Discover Online
Animation | Video Editing
Monarch Butterfly Rig
Nikon Battery Charger
Prop Art
Realistic's "SCT-23 Cassette Tape Deck"
Prop Art | Rigging
"The Promenade" Tiled Ground Material
Material Art
Antique Microscope
Prop Art
"What is a Rain Forest?"
Kids Discover Online
Animation | Video Editing